Adventure: Day Three

Today was grey and wet. It rained almost all day. Not heavy rain, not enough to keep us inside, but a fine drizzle that is enough that, over time, makes everything wet. But we sallied forth, and kept going, and managed 12 locks before our energy ran out.

We did pass a milestone. At noon we passed under the M25 which means we are now officially out of London!

There was one other minor emergency; the toilet became full quicker than we expected. We had to keep our legs crossed while we motered full speed towards the next disposal point.

We ended up in Apsley near Hemel Hempstead, within walking distance of an Indian Takeaway, so that was dinner. We both agreed that we deserved it. Dinner was followed by another very early night and another 12 hour sleep, with left over curry for breakfast the next day.

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